Training Programmes

Designed to achieve your ultimate strategic needs and management ability to achieve these. Ask about our bespoke leadership programmes and management qualification with recognised certificated outcomes.

We respectfully suggest that our ‘Thrive’ essential leadership development programmes should be your first choice for your hospitality and service industry leadership and management training needs.

Consultinc training programmes

The Problem …

The CMI found that as many as 82% of new managers in the UK are what it calls “accidental managers” – embarking on the role with no formal training in management or leadership.

YouGov (2022), questioned 4,500 workers and managers in the UK. While one in four people in the UK workforce holds a management role, only a quarter of workers (27%) describe their manager as “highly effective”.

Of those workers who do not rate their manager, only a third (34%) feel motivated to do a good job and only one in four (25%) are happy with their overall compensation.

A large majority (72%) of those workers who rated their manager as effective felt valued and appreciated. This figure dropped to just 15% when the manager was rated as ineffective (Personnel Today 2023)

Those managers who had undergone training appeared to be more likely to call out bad behaviour – 25% said they had done so, against 15% of untrained managers. (Guardian 2023).

PLUS: Knowing which development programme to use without spending a fortune

“Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world.”

Joel A. Barker

Joel A Barker

The Solution

Thrive Essential Hospitality Leadership Development

An aspiring manager can prepare for the future by learning about leadership styles and basic management frameworks. In doing so, they can prepare themselves to succeed when it comes time for a promotion.

The earlier a professional learns how to direct employees without micromanaging, the more effective their team will be. Once you have the basic skills nailed down, you can continue to learn, grow, and adapt to whatever role you take on (Harvard Business Review 2022 )

While you can gain valuable on-the-job training throughout your career, taking a course can bolster your skills and credentials. A management training program can help you overcome situations that arise in the workplace by equipping you to be more detail-oriented, teaching you how to ask the right questions, and strengthening your analytical skills.

The specific benefits of management training programs include:

  • A deeper understanding of the role of a manager
  • Helpful feedback from experienced professionals
  • Improved communication skills
  • Refined decision-making skillsThe ability to manage organisational change
  • Knowledge of how to implement strategies, plans, and budgets

“Change cannot be put on people. The best way to instill change is to do it with them. Create it with them.”

Lisa Bodell

Lisa Bodell

Customer Care Training

Bespoke training in customer care and mentoring through the change process – written and delivered to your standard operating procedures and philosophy

Consultinc customer care training
Modesta Lilian Mbughuni

“The people must have ownership in the vision. They need to be enabled to accomplish it. If there is one investment you should make, it is in people”

Modesta Lilian Mbughuni


Change Management

From identifying your needs to designing a bespoke action plan including communication and training – each one of our associates has over 20+ years experience in the hospitality / service industry in change management, training and education

William H. McRavene

“You can’t change the world alone – you will need some help – and to truly get from your starting point to your destination takes friends, colleagues, the good will of strangers and a strong coxswain to guide them.”

William H. McRavene


Vocational Training

Help your team to feel valued and appreciated
